Two days ago, the spokesman of the Central Election Commission (CEC), Valmir Elezi, has announced that 47 candidates who are part of the electoral lists, have been found guilty in the last three years.
Whereas today, CEC announced which lists of MPs from political subjects have been certified and which have not, in a conference which was broadcasted online for the media.
The list of deputies from “Vetëvendosje Movement” has not been certified by the CEC. The political subject has not replaced the names that have problems with the law and that have been recommended to be replaced.
Candidates for MPs from the “Alliance for the Future of Kosovo” have not been certified by the Central Election Commission to participate in the February 14 elections.
Unlike the two political subjects above whose lists were not certified, the “Social Democratic Initiative” was not certified as a political entity, nor was its list of MPs. This is due to the lack of replacement of candidates for MPs who have had problems with the law in the last three years.
Regarding the lists of deputies that were certified for the election day, it is that of the Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Democratic League of Kosovo.